HolyCoast: Hopping Down the Bunny Trail
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Friday, March 24, 2006

Hopping Down the Bunny Trail

Here comes the next round of silly bans involving religious holidays:
This week in Minnesota's capital, a toy rabbit, pastel-colored eggs and a sign with the words "Happy Easter" adorning the entrance to the St. Paul City Council offices were ordered to hit the bunny trail by the city's human-rights director who claimed the items might offend non-Christians.

"I sent an e-mail that Easter is viewed as a Christian holiday and advised that it be taken down," Tyrone Terrill told the Pioneer Press. "It wasn't a big deal."

But City Council Member Dave Thune had no problem with the seasonal display.

"I absolutely wonder how colored eggs and bunnies and chickens are Christian," Thune told the paper. "I'm a little puzzled how people can be offended."

In response to the bunny ban, the New York-based Catholic League is sending Terrill a full-size bunny suit.

Of course, associating bunnies and chocolate eggs with Christianity makes as much sense as those who were trying to ban Christmas trees and Santa Claus last December. None of those items are involved in the Christian story surrounding those holidays, and yet the dummies persist in their religious holiday bigotry.

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