HolyCoast: Protests, Protests Everywhere, and Not a Brain to Think
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Protests, Protests Everywhere, and Not a Brain to Think

The disgusting display below was photographed at Montebello High School in CA during the latest round of student protests which involved over 12,000 students (h/t Michelle Malkin). This tells you all you need to know about the motivations which underlie the walkouts by high schoolers throughout Southern California.

Yesterday, during a driving rain, we were treated to another display of amazing stupidity as hundreds of students ran from their campuses and climbed up on the 405 freeway, disrupting traffic for at least 30 minutes. Drivers, who were already dealing with reduced visibility thanks to the rain, were suddenly faced with a bunch of pimply faced teenagers running down the middle of the freeway waving Mexican flags. Fortunately, the cops are starting to lose their sense of humor over these protests, and a bunch of kids ended up under arrest.

At another location students from one high school tried to break down the locked gates at another high school in the hopes that the other school had enough dumb kids that they would defy the lockdown and join the protest. The cops broke that one up.

I think it's time for the Spanish language media, which has been actively promoting the nationwide protests, to shut up, or at least start talking some sense. High school hysteria spreads quickly, and it's obvious that the latest fad is now walking down the freeway waving your Mexican flag, and with the media egging them on, it's just a matter of time before there's a real tragedy.

These protests are also costing school districts millions of dollars, since they get their funds from the State based on attendance. Attention Educators: Don't come running to me with another bond issue if you can't demonstrate that you have the ability to control your campuses. I'm not paying.

UPDATE: A caller to Laura Ingraham's radio show asks a good question: Why are these kids only passionate about immigration during school hours? Perhaps it's because they don't want their protesting to interfere with the video game, iPod downloading, or loafing time.

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