HolyCoast: Virgin Mary Tour Continues in Moline, IL
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Monday, March 27, 2006

Virgin Mary Tour Continues in Moline, IL

I've reported on lots of these holy apparition stories (just because they're so silly), and here's the latest one. The Virgin Mary is now suspected of camping out under a bridge in Moline, IL:
Has the Virgin Mary chosen to visit the Quad-Cities in an image below the Interstate 74 bridge over the Rock River? It's a question more than 200 people were trying to answer for themselves Saturday night after reading media reports of the sighting.

"To me, it's a miracle that she would come to visit us," said Celia Medina, of Silvis. "My daughter is ready to go into labor, and she and her husband want to make it out here before she does."

Ms. Medina said she had been to Harold's Landing three times before Saturday, each time joining about 30 others who pray the rosary at a nearby dock. She said she sees the image of Mary, who sometimes dons a white gown and sometimes a blue one.

Saturday night, people came in droves. It started shortly after 6 p.m. with about 30 people and, within 25 minutes, that number tripled. As the sun set and the weather became much cooler, groups of people came from a line of cars that led out the small parking lot.

Some brought lawn chairs, binoculars and cameras. Others flipped out their camera phones to take a shot of what they saw.

Many wouldn't go on the record stating if they saw an image or not. One man said he saw the image at dusk and left shortly after 6:44 p.m. when it last appeared to him.

Elizabeth Flores had no question. The Silvis woman saw her clearly.

"I see her bowing," she said. "Out of everywhere, why would she pick the Quad- Cities?"

Ah yes, the age-old theological question: Why Moline?

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