HolyCoast: Media Encouraging Students to Walkout
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Monday, March 27, 2006

Media Encouraging Students to Walkout

I'm sitting here watching the KTLA morning news (Channel 5 in Los Angeles) where a reporter is camped out a Huntington Park High School in hopes, apparently, that another immigration reform-related walkout will occur as it did on Friday. The reporter keeps talking about how the school district wants the kids to stay in school, and yet by his very presence there, he's encouraging another act of stupidity such as happened on Friday.

The reporter is interviewing bewildered arriving students and asking them if there will be another walkout. This is a classic example of the news media attempting to create news, and not just report it. Get the cameras away from the school and there won't be a problem.

UPDATE: Told you so: 14,000 Students Walk Out in L.A. Schools

UPDATE 2: A student who was apparently involved in a protest in Santa Ana was apparently killed by a hit-and-run driver. Now, of course, the student's family will sue the school district for allowing their kid to leave the campus. I'll provide a link to the story once I can find it.

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