HolyCoast: Gay Legislators Continue to Push Gay Agenda on Students
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Saturday, April 08, 2006

Gay Legislators Continue to Push Gay Agenda on Students

There's yet another bill coming from the California legislature to push the gay agenda on California students:
A bill requiring students to learn about the contributions homosexuals have made to society and that could remove gender-specific terms including "mom" and "dad" from textbooks is making progress in California.

The state's Senate Judiciary Committee has approved SB 1437, which would mandate grades 1-12 buy books "accurately'' portraying "the sexual diversity of our society.'' It also requires students hear history lessons on "the contributions of people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender to the economic, political, and social development of California and the United States of America.''

It also precludes textbooks, teaching materials, instruction, and "school-sponsored activities" from reflecting adversely upon persons based on their sexual orientation, or actual or perceived gender.

"School-sponsored activities include everything from cheerleading and sports activities to the prom," said Karen England of Capitol Resource Institute, a traditional-values organization. "Under SB 1437 school districts would likely be prohibited from having a 'prom king and queen' because that would show bias based on gender and sexual orientation.

"Under SB 1437 school districts would also likely have to do away with dress codes and would have to accommodate transsexuals on girl-specific or boy-specific sports teams."
Just what you want to see - some 6' 2" tranny freak with a mustache playing on the girls volleyball team.

If passed, this will be another boon to the homeschool or private Christian school movement. I'm glad my kids only have 3 years of high school remaining, or I'd probably be looking for an alternative as well.

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