HolyCoast: A Sad Day for the Media
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Friday, April 21, 2006

A Sad Day for the Media

From Fox News:
A CIA officer has been relieved of his duty after being caught leaking classified information to the media.

CIA officials will not reveal the officer's name, assignment, or the information that was leaked. The firing is a highly unusual move, although there has been an ongoing investigation into leaks in the CIA.

One official called this a "damaging leak" that deals with operational information and said the fired officer "knowingly and willfully" leaked the information to the media and "was caught."

The CIA officer was not in the public affairs office, nor was he someone authorized to talk to the media. The investigation was launched in January by the CIA's security center. It was directed to look at employees who had been exposed to certain intelligence programs. In the course of the investigation, the fired officer admitted discussing classified information including information about classified operations.

About time, and hopefully not the last one.

UPDATE: The individual fired was reportedly Mary O. McCarthy who was the former director for Intelligence Programs at the National Security Agency under Sandy Berger and Bill Clinton. She was also a Kerry supporter, based on her $2,000 contribution to his campaign.

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