HolyCoast: Catching Up
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Saturday, May 20, 2006

Catching Up

After yesterday's Festival of Yuck, I'm back upright though operating at 50% at best. I'm going to make today's posts brief.

Harry Reid think it's racist to declare English as the official language of America. I guess Harry prefers the Tower of Babel approach where nobody can talk to anybody else and everyday activities become major chores.

Castro will live to be 140 - Anybody want to bet?

Sunny D - good for people, not so good for fish.

The UN's favorite darlings at Guantanamo Bay tried to ambush their guards. They lost.

Speaking of the UN, they issued a report demanding that Gitmo be closed as it constituted torture. The Heritage Foundation rips them a new one on that report. And for all those human rights offenders who make up the UN commission, if you want us to close Gitmo, just tell us where in your country you want us to send the terrorists, and we'll have them on a plane in the morning.

Jews and Christians may have to wear special badges in Iran. Where have we heard that one before? Will anyone on the angry left start calling President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "Hitler"? They've been calling Bush and Cheney "Hitler" for years now, despite the fact that neither Bush nor Cheney have done anything even remotely Hitleresqe. Now we have the Iranian nutjob trying to institute policies that were part of Hitler's regime, and so far the left is strangely quiet.

John McCain, who used to be everybody's favorite politician, is suddenly getting rough receptions when he tries to speak. The angry left doesn't believe that the First Amendment applies to anybody but them.

UPDATE: I have to give McCain credit for giving as good as he got at his commencement speech yesterday. The Corner has posts about what McCain faced from the classless graduates from New School. A telling moment:
As McCain continues with a personal story, a student shouts: “It's about my life, not yours.”
Amazing how kids can go through four years at a decent college and come out knowing absolutely nothing. Read other posts about the speech here, here, here, here, and here.

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