HolyCoast: RINOs Booted in PA
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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

RINOs Booted in PA

I mentioned a couple of days ago about the pending political earthquake in Pennsylvania where some long entrenched Republicans (in name only) were under threat from within their own party. As expected, the RINOs got tossed:

Angry taxpayers on Tuesday tossed out the two Republican Senate leaders who helped engineer last year's legislative pay raise, an issue that apparently cost 13 House members their jobs, too.

Senate President Pro Tempore Robert Jubelirer of Altoona, and Senate Majority Leader David Brightbill of Lebanon County conceded to their challengers, becoming the first lawmakers in major leadership posts to lose a primary election in 42 years. The House defeats would be the most since 1980.

"We have had a dramatic earthquake in Pennsylvania," said Jubelirer, a 32-year legislator.

The defeats of Jubelirer and Brightbill "will send shock waves throughout he political establishment for years to come," said Mike Young, a retired Penn State University political science professor.

If career legislators aren't going to pay attention to the desires of their party and their constituents, they deserve to find a new career. I expect that there will be more of this before the year's out.

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