HolyCoast: Tony Snow Takes on Crazy Aunt Bethany
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Tony Snow Takes on Crazy Aunt Bethany

Tony Snow had a masterful press briefing today, and I can see how he'll be an excellent spokesman for the administration. He took the obligatory question from Helen Thomas, the Crazy Aunt Bethany of the White House Press Corps, who had a question filled with all kinds of evil deeds by Bush and gang involving the "wiretapping" of "millions of Americans".

Tony deftly separated the surveillance programs for Aunt Bethany, explained how the foreign intercepts differ from the latest revelation in USA Today regarding the reporting of phone numbers, and reminded her that there's a war on. Very nicely done.

Hot Air has the video which you can watch here. It's also worth watching to see how Tony reacts when he's asked about his cancer bracelet.

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