HolyCoast: Alberto Making a Run for the Border
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Monday, June 12, 2006

Alberto Making a Run for the Border

In the middle of the entire illegal alien debate, the National Hurricane Center must have a sense of humor naming the first storm "Alberto". Alberto is threatening to strengthen to a category 1 storm and may give the Florida panhandle a beating:
More than 20,000 people along Florida's Gulf Coast were ordered to clear out Monday as Alberto - the very first tropical storm of the new hurricane season - unexpectedly picked up steam and threatened to come ashore as a hurricane.

Forecasters posted a hurricane warning for the Gulf Coast and a tropical storm warning from north of Daytona Beach to the Georgia-South Carolina line, saying the storm could hit on Tuesday morning. Gov. Jeb Bush signed a declaration of emergency allowing him to call up the National Guard and put laws against price gouging in place.

"We're talking about powerful forces of nature," Bush said. "People need to take this very seriously."

By the way, for all those who will be screaming "global warming!" at the top of their lungs because we're having a storm so early in the season, the last time we had a hurricane this early in the season was 40 years ago when hurricane Alma came ashore on June 9th, 1966. I don't recall global warming being a big problem back then.

Just a couple of reminders for the climate-impaired from Dr. William Gray, noted hurricane scientist and researcher:

Global Warming is a Hoax
Global Warming Will not Cause More Hurricanes

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