HolyCoast: Steelers QB Injured in Motorcycle Accident
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Monday, June 12, 2006

Steelers QB Injured in Motorcycle Accident

I don't like the sound of this:

Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger was injured in a motorcycle accident this morning on Second Avenue near the 10th Street bridge, police said.

The accident happened shortly before 11:25 a.m. He was not wearing a helmet. Police have closed down the bridge, Second Avenue and the Armstrong Tunnels.

I don't know why anyone would ride without a helmet. More updates as information becomes available.

UPDATE: A story on the NFL wire from a year ago - Roethlisberger lectured by his coach on the dangers of riding without a helmet.

UPDATE2: Sounding better:
"He was alert and conscious," said Ernie Roman, shift commander for the Allegheny County emergency service.

Steelers Dave Lockett, outside Mercy Hospital, confirmed the accident but did not provide additional details. There was no word on Roethlisberger's condition.

UPDATE3: So much for the modeling career:
Roethlisberger lost most of his teeth, fractured his left sinus cavity bone, suffered a nine-inch laceration to the back of his head and a broken jaw, and severely injured both of his knees when he hit the ground, police said.

A plastic surgeon has been summoned.

I'll bet we'll find out in the coming days that many of those injuries could have been avoided or lessened if he had a helmet. Ben will be doing Public Service Announcements on wearing helmets when he recovers from this whole thing.

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