HolyCoast: IDF On the Move in Gaza
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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

IDF On the Move in Gaza

Some Palestinian nutballs made the mistake of capturing an Israeli soldier, and one way or the other the Israel Defense Force is going to get him back:
The IDF continued its offensive in the Gaza Strip late Tuesday night when the Air Force struck a power plant in the southern part of the Strip, cutting the power supply from portions of the region.

The incursion began earlier in the night, when IAF aircraft blew up two key strategic bridges - one in the central Gaza Strip and the second near Deir el-Balah - shortly before midnight. The army said that the operation was intended to keep Hamas from taking kidnapped soldier Cpl. Gilad Shalit out of the Gaza Strip.

In addition, two IDF tank and infantry brigades were amassed around Gaza, and were awaiting orders to begin a ground incursion into the strip, while planes and helicopters flew over the northern Gaza Strip. However, an IDF spokesperson told The Jerusalem Post that, contrary to reports, the armored forces had not actually begun advancing into the strip.

In the Saja'iyeh neighborhood of Gaza City, not far from the border fence, armed Palestinian operatives took up positions across from the IDF vehicles. The operatives instructed Palestinian residents to leave the area.

Earlier Tuesday evening, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert held high level security consultations, some 60 hours after IDF soldier Gilad Shalit was captured, amid a growing feeling that military action is inevitable.
If the Palestinians want to keep control of Gaza, they better turn the soldier in, unharmed, really quick. Otherwise the freedom they've had in Gaza will be history.

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