HolyCoast: Inconvenient Facts?
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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Inconvenient Facts?

The Associated Press seems intent on flacking Al Gore's enviro-scare pic An Inconvenient Truth with a story announcing that "Scientists OK Gore Movie for Accuracy". One problem - the AP report doesnt' tell us who many of those scientists are or what their expertise really is. It also did not reveal other connections those scientists have which may give them a financial interest in the success of the movie.

The Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works was so outraged at the AP report that they issued a release of their own: AP INCORRECTLY CLAIMS SCIENTISTS PRAISE GORE’S MOVIE . The Senate did the research into the scientists that the AP was not willing to do.

This is an interesting case study on the media's effort to promote liberal causes at the expense of complete facts. Read both items and decide for yourself.

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