HolyCoast: Irrelevant Senator Demands Iraq Pullout
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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Irrelevant Senator Demands Iraq Pullout

As detailed yesterday, Sen. John Kerry is making a full-Monty ankle grab in submission to the angry left, and today introduced a resolution calling for the pullout of U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of the year.
Senator John F. Kerry is placing himself at the center of congressional action over the war in Iraq this week with a crisply worded resolution to require President Bush to withdraw almost all US troops by the end of this year.

The measure has exposed Kerry to attacks from Republicans and some Democrats, as critics rushed to tag the plan as a ``cut-and-run" strategy. But it also has made him a rallying point for antiwar activists.

The sweeping resolution amounts to the senator's sharpest condemnation of the war and his broadest repudiation of his own vote to authorize force. It also stands in contrast to his handling of the war issue during his campaign for president two years ago.

Kerry knows the only way to win the accolades of the angry left is to abandon our troops in the field, just as he did in the 70's. Too bad he doesn't have any medals from the Iraq campaign that he can throw over the White House fence.

Come to think of it, he doesn't need any of his own medals. The medals he threw in the 70's belonged to someone else, so maybe he can rustle up some from one of these angry Iraq veterans who are running in Dem campaigns around the country.

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