HolyCoast: Media Trying to Hide Religious Identity of Bombers
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Sunday, June 04, 2006

Media Trying to Hide Religious Identity of Bombers

The major media in both the U.S. and Canada seem to be doing their best to walk on tippy-toes when it comes to the identity of those arrested in the Canadian wannabe terror group. You have to dig deep in the story to get any hint that there may be radical Muslims involved. Here's an example from the New York Times (from The Corner):
In the 7th paragraph, readers are reassured that the suspects “represent the broad strata of our society … Some are students, some are employed, some are unemployed."

Finally, in the 8th paragraph, an official mentions that those arrested "appear to have become adherents of a violent ideology inspired by Al Qaeda.” That official, however, “said that there was no evidence of links between the two groups.”

The article also notes that Canadian intelligence “has been criticized for unfairly and improperly singling out Canadian Muslims.

Imagine that - singling out Muslim groups for terror investigations. I wonder why Canadian intelligence would have done something so dastardly as that? Could it be that there aren't a lot of folks from other religions showing an interest in bombings and such these days?

Seems like good police work to me.

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