HolyCoast: The Passion of the Gore
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Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Passion of the Gore

This weekend's version of Scary Movie is Al Gore's agitprop environwacko piece "An Inconvenient Truth" which is being hailed by the lefties in much the same way the religious right hailed "The Passion of the Christ". Both sides treated their movies as the total and complete truth about their respective issues.

The reviews for Al's Scary Movie have been mixed. He liked it, and he really hated it. Take your choice.

The college Republicans, who just love to tweak the left with such things as affirmative action bakesales and such, have launched "Global Cooling Days". Their press release has this to say:
Freeze out cataclysmic environmental scare tactics with a little humor. The Oklahoma University College Republicans gave out free snow cones to students for an event they called "Global Cooling Day."

Stage an event like this one to grab the attention of your campus and raise awareness on the real facts of the global warming phenomenon. Engage with students and debunk some of the myths and cool the hyperbole surrounding the issue.

What's even funnier than the "Global Cooling Days" is the Democratic National Committee response. In typically humorless Democrat fashion, they issued a press release condemning the college Republicans:
As more and more experts continue to confirm the harmful effects of global warming, the College Republican National Committee is urging its membership to mock the threat by throwing beach parties this summer. The College Republicans actions demonstrate the misplaced priorities and short-sightedness of the future of the Republican Party, according to the Democratic National Committee. As College Democrats continue to fight for issues that young Americans care about like an affordable college education, Republicans continue to push their out of touch agenda.

"The College Republicans' beach parties mocking global warming are just another example of the misplaced priorities and short- sightedness of the Republican Party," said College Democrats of America President Grant Woodard. "The College Republicans' ignorance toward the seriousness of global warming and climate change shows a Party more focused on partying than talking seriously about the issues facing young people across America. While College Republicans party on this summer, College Democrats will be knocking on doors, working to get Democrats elected nationwide. With young leadership like this, Republicans should prepare to get burned in the upcoming elections."

Pul-lease. Everytime I read a DNC release like this, I feel more confident about the November elections. Nobody really wants to put these stick-in-the-muds back in power.

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