HolyCoast: Metric Football Championships Kick Off in Germany
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Friday, June 09, 2006

Metric Football Championships Kick Off in Germany

The Metric Football Championships (otherwise known as the World Cup) kicks off in Munich today, and on behalf of millions of Americans, let me just say this:

Who cares?

Somehow this sport has captured billions of fans around the world, and all I can say is they must lead pretty dull lives if they find soccer exciting. I've tried to watch, and I just can't do it.

Far more entertaining will be the action going on in Huntington Park, CA, otherwise knows as "little Mexico". Every four years they hold a riot up there to celebrate the deeds or misdeeds of the Mexican soccer team, and this year should prove no different. I believe Mexico plays their first game at 9am on Sunday morning (L.A. time), so the fans should be rioting by noon. I personally think they riot out of disgust that they wasted 3 hours of their life watching a soccer match, but there's probably more to it than that.

There is a U.S. team in the World Cup this year, and if they get deep into the playoffs I might give a rat's butt, but until then, I'll find something else to do (yes, like most Americans I'll only care about soccer if it looks like the Americans might actually win. And if they beat the Mexicans on the way - look out Huntington Park).

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