HolyCoast: The Pimp Bill
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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Pimp Bill

Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) has decided to take a creative approach to stamping out the sex trafficking trade:
Republican Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa is hoping to stamp out the sex trade by taxing pimps and prostitutes, then jailing them when they don't pay.

The Senate Finance Committee is expected to vote Wednesday morning on the pimp tax. The bill also calls for more jail time for sex workers.

If passed, the provision will authorize at least $2 million toward the establishment of an office in the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation unit to prosecute unlawful sex workers for violations of tax laws.

"Recent headlines have focused on sex trafficking in connection with the World Cup in Germany," Grassley said. "This vile crime is under our noses in the United States, and it's a no-brainer to have the IRS go after sex traffickers. Prosecuting these tax code violations can get these guys off the street and yank from their grasp the girls and women they exploit."

I would have my doubts that people involved in the sex trade keep a lot of records of their income, let alone claim it on their tax returns. However, it was the IRS that finally put Al Capone out of business, so I guess anything's possible.

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