HolyCoast: Republicans Now Officially All Powerful
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Republicans Now Officially All Powerful

Bill Clinton, who is not getting enough attention these days, gave a speech in which he admitted that Republicans are so powerful they can create hurricanes:
As Tropical Storm Alberto threatened to strengthen into the ninth hurricane in 22 months to affect Florida, former President Clinton predicted Monday that Republican environmental policies will lead to more severe storms.

"It is now generally recognized that while Al Gore and I were ridiculed, we were right about global warming," Clinton said at a fundraiser for the Florida Democratic Party. "It's a serious problem. It's going to lead to more hurricanes."

Of course, Clinton did nothing about global warming while in office, and Al Gore signed the Kyoto Agreement which was rejected 95-0 in the Senate (I'm pretty sure some of those 95 members were Democrats).

And today during a speech at the "Take Back America Conference" in D.C., Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said this (From FoxNews Special Report):

"I personally have to say that "Alfredo" has proven to me again that global warming's here."

I'm not sure if he was talking about the gulf storm (which is named "Alberto"), or some bad Italian food he had during the tinfoil hat blogger conference in Las Vegas this weekend. Whatever the source of his worries, it was Bush's fault.

I hate to keep beating this horse, but with every hurricane story I'm going to include these links:

Global Warming is a Hoax
Global Warming Will Not Cause More Hurricanes

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