HolyCoast: ACLU Picks Another Anti-American Fight
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Monday, July 24, 2006

ACLU Picks Another Anti-American Fight

The Kansas wacko church which has made a practice of picketing at the funerals of soldiers has enlisted a new ally in their fight - the ACLU (imagine my surprise):

A Kansas church group that protests at military funerals nationwide filed suit in federal court, saying a Missouri law banning such picketing infringes on religious freedom and free speech.

The American Civil Liberties Union filed the lawsuit Friday in the U.S. District Court in Jefferson City, Mo., on behalf of the fundamentalist Westboro Baptist Church, which has outraged mourning communities by picketing service members' funerals with signs condemning homosexuality. ...

The law bans picketing and protests "in front of or about" any location where a funeral is held, from an hour before it begins until an hour after it ends. Offenders can face fines and jail time.

A number of other state laws and a federal law, signed in May by President Bush, bar such protests within a certain distance of a cemetery or funeral.

In the lawsuit, the ACLU says the Missouri law tries to limit protesters' free speech based on the content of their message. It is asking the court to declare the ban unconstitutional and to issue an injunction to keep it from being enforced, which would allow the group to resume picketing.

This is yet another perfect case for the ACLU since it demonstrates so clearly the anti-American attitude of the organization and those who support it. They'll fight to keep a high school valedictorian from thanking Jesus during her graduation speech, while at the same time defending an organization which carries signs saying "God Hates Fags" and "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" at the funerals of heroes from Iraq.

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