HolyCoast: Lefty Anti-Semitism is Karl Rove's Fault
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Monday, July 24, 2006

Lefty Anti-Semitism is Karl Rove's Fault

Since the fighting in Lebanon kicked off 12 days ago the lefty blogs have been filled with anti-Semitic remarks. The hatred the left has for Israel is pretty amazing.

In what has to be one of the most entertaining examples of Bush Derangement Syndrome found recently in print, the lefty founder of moonbat radio Airhead America Sheldon Drobny has figured out that it's the evil hand of Karl Rove behind the left's anti-Semitism (yeah, it's that far-fetched) (h/t LittleGreenFootballs):
“I came to the conclusion that the hostile comments about Israel on these liberal blogs are not coming from true liberals. Most of the anti-Semitism comes from racism and most of the racism I have experienced has come from the far right, not the left.

“So my conclusion is that the bloggers who violently hate Israel and see it in black and white terms are not really liberals. They may even be anti-Semites, but they are not representative of the liberal community that was so active in achieving racial and ethnic equality. It is a contradiction for a true liberal to be an anti-Semite.

Furthermore, I would not put it past the right wing to flood the liberal blogs with hateful criticisms of Israel to advance a perception that liberals are anti-Israel or anti-Semitic. And I see Karl Rove’s fingerprints all over this.”

That Karl really gets around.

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