HolyCoast: Another Frivolous Suit
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Another Frivolous Suit

Some Arab-Americans from Michigan have decided to add to the clutter in the courts by filing a frivolous lawsuit against the U.S. Government:
An Arab group said the federal government has failed to protect Americans from the fighting in Lebanon.

The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee is suing on behalf of about 30 people.

The lawsuit filed in Detroit alleges that Condoleezza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld didn't take all possible steps to secure the safety and well-being of U.S. citizens.

The committee is asking the court to order Washington to request a cease-fire between Israel and Lebanon.
The scary thing is, they'll probably find a judge out there who believes he has the power to do that. And why was this filed in Detroit? As I heard this morning (you can listen here), Michigan has one of the largest populations of Arabs outside the Middle East, in fact the city of Dearborn has some 30,000 Arabs - 30% of the population. Apparently a great number of them are Hezbollah supporters. It's no wonder that Michigan Democrats are frequently among the few in the House who vote against resolutions support Israel - they want to keep their jobs.

As for the folks who support Hezbollah and found themselves stuck in a warzone in Lebanon, tough luck, Ahab. If you want to go hang out with your terrorist buddies and their sympathizers, you might just find yourself on the wrong end of Israeli ordinance.

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