HolyCoast: The Other Kids Don't Like Him
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Other Kids Don't Like Him

Despite the glowing endorsement from "Cryin'" George last week, there is sure to be a fight over the renomination of John Bolton as UN Ambassador. The problem - Bolton has been too effective at promoting U.S. interests and according to Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT), Bolton doesn't play well with others (h/t Cliff May at The Corner):
Laura Ingraham this morning played a bite of Sen. Christopher Dodd saying on one of the weekend talk shows that he will not vote to confirm John Bolton (as Sen. George Voinovich has now decided to do) because so many other ambassadors at the U.N. don’t like Bolton.

Perhaps Dodd forgets: Those other ambassadors don’t represent America’s interests. Bolton does—effectively.

One might ask: Whose interests is Dodd representing? Do the people of Connecticut really want the Syrian, Saudi, Russian, and French ambassadors to have a veto power over our choice of an American envoy?

It's hard to believe that after the outstanding job Bolton has done at the UN the Dems would threaten a filibuster against his confirmation. The hearings, set to start this week, will be very entertaining.

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