HolyCoast: Bush to Waste Time at NAACP
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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Bush to Waste Time at NAACP

After six years in office, President Bush has decided to address the NAACP convention in Washington for the first time since becoming president:

After six years in office, President Bush has agreed to address the NAACP at its annual national convention in Washington, the White House announced yesterday.

White House spokesman Tony Snow said the president will appear before the nation's oldest and largest civil rights group tomorrow after years of trading rhetorical jabs with its leadership.

"I think the president wants to make the argument that he has had a career that reflects a strong commitment to civil rights," Snow said at a news conference.

Absolute waste of time. All he'll get is a chorus of boos and rude remarks while he tries to remain above the fray. The NAACP ran disgusting ads during the 2000 campaign - right after Bush last addressed the organization. He's not going to convince a single member of the NAACP to change their thinking about anything, nor will his appearance help the GOP in the fall.

No one in the NAACP is the least bit interested in anything Bush might say. They are only interested in being able to claim that they are important or relevant enough for the President of the United States to speak to them.

The NAACP is desperate to regain the political credibility that it used to have before it went full wacky left under Julian Bond and "Crazy" Mfume, and having the president come and speak will help them...briefly. Bond is a fool, and the whole event promises to be an embarrassing for both the president and the NAACP.

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