HolyCoast: Global Warming's Effect on Hurricanes Overstated
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Friday, July 28, 2006

Global Warming's Effect on Hurricanes Overstated

Some time back I posted on Dr. William Gray's objection to the folks who insist on linking strong hurricanes to global warming. Some moonbats even demonstrated against NOAA and the National Hurricane Center demanding they buy the politically correct view of hurricane science.

Today, a new report casts doubts on global warming's effect on hurricanes:
Scientists linking the increased strength of hurricanes over recent years to global warming have not accounted for outdated technology that may have underestimated storms' power decades ago, researchers said in a report published Friday.

The research by Chris Landsea of the National Hurricane Center challenges two studies published last year by other respected climatologists.

One of the studies, by Kerry Emanuel of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was considered the first major research to challenge the belief that global warming's affect on hurricanes was too slight to accurately measure and that climate change likely won't substantially change tropical storms for decades.

And, if Landsea and his three co-authors are correct, it was fundamentally flawed.
``The methodology is fine. There's no problem with the way they analyzed the data,'' said Landsea, who is science and operations officer at the hurricane center. ``The problem is with the data itself.''

Al Gore will be very upset, but the sometimes the truth is inconvenient.

Here's another article on the new report.

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