HolyCoast: Israel Not Letting the Puppetmasters Off This Time
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Saturday, July 15, 2006

Israel Not Letting the Puppetmasters Off This Time

Although Israel is directly fighting Hezbollah and Hamas, everyone knows they are indirectly fighting Iran and Syria at the same time as those two countries provide the major backing for the terrorist groups. Israel has had enough of the puppetmasters too:
The London-based Arabic language newspaper Al-Hayat reported Saturday that “Washington has information according to which Israel gave Damascus 72 hours to stop Hizbullah’s activity along the Lebanon-Israel border and bring about the release the two kidnapped IDF soldiers or it would launch an offensive with disastrous consequences.”

The report said “a senior Pentagon source warned that should the Arab world and international community fail in the efforts to convince Syria to pressure Hizbullah into releasing the soldiers and halt the current escalation Israel may attack targets in the country.”

Al-Hayat quoted the source as saying that “the US cannot rule out the possibility of an Israeli strike in Syria,” this despite the fact that the Bush administration has asked Israel to “refrain from any military activity that may result in civilian casualties.”
And what about the Iranians? Israel has fingered them as responsible for the missile attack on their warship that killed 4 sailors:
A missile fired by Hezbollah, not an unmanned drone laden with explosives, damaged an Israeli warship off Lebanon, the army said Saturday. Elite Iranian troops helped fire the missile, a senior Israeli intelligence official said.

One sailor was killed and three were missing.

The intelligence official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the information, said about 100 Iranian soldiers are in Lebanon and helped fire the Iranian-made, radar-guided C-102 at the ship late Friday.

The official added that the troops involved in firing the missile are from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, an elite corps of more than 200,000 fighters that is independent of the regular armed forces and controlled directly by supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

All of this gives Israel plenty of reasons to strike at the puppetmasters while they're taking out their puppets in Lebanon and Gaza. Both terrorists organizations clearly erred in what they thought the Israeli reaction would be, and now Israel has the opportunity to decapitate and destroy both Hamas and Hezbollah, and they're not going to let this chance go by without inflicting the maximum damage.

Of course this whole mess could be ended by Hamas and Hezbollah anytime they like. They simply have to return the captured soldiers and stop the attacks. However, until they do, Israel will continue to rain destruction on them and their leaders, and very soon, the puppetmaster states that control them.

More information on this whole mess here.

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