HolyCoast: Bill Clinton Kicks the Nutroots Where it Hurts
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Saturday, July 15, 2006

Bill Clinton Kicks the Nutroots Where it Hurts

Although Hillary Clinton has been hesitant to throw any overt support to Sen. Joe Lieberman for fear of offending the wacky left nutroots who are promoting his primary challenger, husband (?) Bill Clinton does not feel equally restrained. He's come flat out and called their antics "nutty":
Former President Bill Clinton is sticking up for U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman and his support of the Iraq war.

Clinton, who spoke at an Aspen Institute conference last week, questioned why Democrats in Connecticut are focusing on ousting a fellow Democrat, Lieberman.

Lieberman faces a stronger-than-expected Aug. 8 primary challenge by Greenwich millionaire businessman Ned Lamont, who has criticized Lieberman for his support of the war and his perceived closeness with Republicans and President Bush.

"If we allow our differences over what to do now in Iraq to divide us instead of focusing on replacing Republicans in Congress; that's the nuttiest strategy I ever heard in my life," Clinton told the nonprofit cultural organization.

The lefties will be raging about that one. Of course, the sane Dems figured that out long ago, and since it's suspected that there are more of them than there are of the nuts, Lieberman should win the primary race quite handily.

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