HolyCoast: It's Not 1994 Again
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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

It's Not 1994 Again

George Nethercutt, the GOP candidate who unseated the sitting Speaker of the House Tom Foley in 1994, has a piece in the Wall Street Journal today that argues that despite the greatest hopes of the Dems, it's not 1994 again and the Dems won't retake the Congress:
Some political pundits are speculating that the Democrats are poised to retake control of the House of Representatives this fall, much like the GOP did in 1994, when it dramatically ended 40 years of Democratic control. As a proud member of 1994's "New Majority" Republican class in the House, I understand the historic dimensions of that victory and the dynamics that made it possible. I also know why neither will apply to the elections in November. Those who predict a Democratic takeover of the House are wrong--but maybe by just a couple of years.

Nethercutt goes on to explain his theory and to offer a caution as to why the GOP had better start showing some of the old spirit or they could be swept out in 2008. Read the whole thing.

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