HolyCoast: Saudis Want Bush To Fix Mideast Problem
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Monday, July 24, 2006

Saudis Want Bush To Fix Mideast Problem

The Saudis have petitioned President Bush to intervene in the Israeli/Hezbollah conflict, but after a meeting at the White House, didn't get what they came for:
White House officials said President Bush remains opposed to an immediate cease-fire to stop violence in the Middle East, despite personal pleas from ally Saudi Arabia that he help stop the bloodshed.

Saudi King Abdullah beseeched Bush to intervene in Israel's military campaign against Hezbollah in Lebanon, where the death toll is approaching 400 after less than two weeks of bombing. Abdullah's request was hand-delivered to Bush by Saudi officials who requested a meeting Sunday at the White House.

"We requested a cease-fire to allow for a cessation of hostilities," Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal told reporters as he departed the West Wing.

"I have brought a letter from the Saudi king to stop the bleeding in Lebanon, and there has been an agreement to save Lebanese lives, Lebanese properties and what the Lebanese have built, and to save this country from the ordeal it is facing," Saud said.

Saud's comment reflected Bush's past statements that all want the violence to stop. But Bush has refused to press for an immediate cease-fire.

"Our position on an immediate cease-fire is well known and has not changed," said White House national security spokesman Frederick Jones.

I think the Saudis are suffering from the same misconception that much of the Arab world suffers from: They believe that Israel is little more than a puppet of the U.S., and they Israel will do whatever the U.S. bids. Wrong.

Israel knows it is in a fight for its own survival, and Bush knows that Israel is key to fighting terrorism in that part of the world. Consequently, as long as Israel's actions aren't completely outrageous, Bush is content to let them finish the job.

What this story also tells me is that even some of the major players in the Arab world have no control over Hezbollah, which is run by Iran. That must be a concern to the Saudis as they have to worry about the political stability of their own kingdom and the influence that Iran might have there. If the Arab powers were smart, they'd band together, not to fight Israel, but to fight the Muslim fanaticism sponsored by Iran.

Meanwhile, sore loser John Kerry, probably after a few beers, had this to say:
"If I was president, this wouldn't have happened," said Kerry during a noon stop at Honest John's bar and grill in Detroit's Cass Corridor.
How ironic is it that his statement was made at Honest John's.

Scrappleface has some thoughts on Kerry as well.

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