HolyCoast: What Came First - the Chicken or the Allah Egg
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Thursday, July 13, 2006

What Came First - the Chicken or the Allah Egg

There's been another Allah sighting, this time in Kazakhstan:
A chicken in a Kazakh village has laid an egg with the word "Allah" inscribed on its shell, state media reported Thursday.

"Our mosque confirmed that it says 'Allah' in Arabic," Bites Amantayeva, a farmer from the village of Stepnoi in eastern Kazakhstan, told state news agency Kazinform.

"We'll keep this egg and we don't think it'll go bad."

The news agency said the egg was laid just after a powerful hail storm hit the village.

How come Allah never writes his name in any other language? I guess the swirls and dots of Arabic are easier than English letters. Write it in English and I'll be impressed.

I've heard of storms scaring the devil out of somebody, but this is the first time I've heard of a storm scaring the Allah out.

By the way, if they decide to cook the egg, would it make an Allahmelet?

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