HolyCoast: World Leaders Give Mixed Reviews to Israeli Military Actions
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Thursday, July 13, 2006

World Leaders Give Mixed Reviews to Israeli Military Actions

The annual G8 summit is about to meet as the fighting in Israel escalates. The world leaders don't agree on what Israel should do next:

World powers have pleaded for restraint to stop the fiercest Israeli-Lebanese clashes in a decade slipping into all-out war.

US President George W. Bush blamed "terrorists who want to stop the advance of peace", while fellow UN Security Council members Russia and France condemned Israel's "disproportionate" use of force.


Russia, France, Britain and Italy criticised Israel for its "disproportionate" use of force.

Since the line about "disproportionate" use of force was included twice in the article, I quoted it twice in the excerpt above. I hate to break it to Russia, France, Britain and Italy, but it's through disproportionate use of force that you WIN. Israel is not interested in a fair fight - they want to win and quickly. The sooner that happens, the sooner the bloodshed stops. If these other countries want to see an end to the violence, they should focus their efforts on the terrorists who are attacking and killing Israeli soldiers and citizens, instead of criticising Israel for acting aggressively in her own defense.

UPDATE: Read this special post from Michael Medved.

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