HolyCoast: Cruise Ships Explained
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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Cruise Ships Explained

Scott Adams, the creator of the Dilbert comic strip (my favorite because he's obviously worked with some of the same people I have) recently took a Disney cruise as part of his honeymoon. Since my sister is about to do the same, I thought I'd link to his funny piece about his experience.

He also sheds a little light on the cruise ship business model:
Allow me to explain the business model of a cruise ship. When you set sail, the ship has a billion tons of food and a few thousand humans. The cruise company’s objective is to end the cruise with something on the order of one leftover cupcake and a billion tons of feces. I’m fairly certain that if that goal is not met, a busboy from Mozambique is thrown overboard as a warning to the other crew members. We ate our share just to make sure Pooka Muuwa was safe.

Read the whole thing - especially if you're planning a Disney cruise.

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