HolyCoast: "Joementum" or "Joe Independent"
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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

"Joementum" or "Joe Independent"

It's judgment day for Joe Lieberman in the Connecticut Senate primary. For a good report on the ground game underway and the issues the voters in that state are weighing, check this out.

There has been some strong movement in the polls toward Lieberman, and I can't help but wonder if another Howard Dean moment is about to happen. Going into the Iowa caucus in 2004 most experts predicted an easy Dean win. I remember watching the roundtable discussion on FoxNews' Sunday show with each analyst predicting a Dean win...except Bill Kristol who predicted John Kerry, much to the surprise of the others. Kristol was right and Dean self-destructed.

Could there be another "flight to quality" as the voters go to the polls today? Most of the experts are predicting a Lieberman loss, but they've been wrong before. Although I'm pulling for Lamont for purely partisan reasons, in many ways it would be fun to see the nutroots score another "almost victory". After leading big in the polls just a few days ago, you'd probably be able to hear their heads explode all the way to the left coast.


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