HolyCoast: The Party of Incredibly Bad Timing
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Friday, August 11, 2006

The Party of Incredibly Bad Timing

Dems have been smitten with bad timing when it comes to the war on terror. For instance, just four days before the 2004 presidential election, Osama bin Hidin' issued what was tantamount to a video endorsing John Kerry. Osama clearly thought he was helping the electorate make an important decision, and in many ways he was, though he didn't get the decision he had hoped for.

Now once again the anti-war Dems have been bitten by the reality of the war on terror. Just two days after kicking Sen. Joe Lieberman, the one Dem Senator who has been reliably supportive of the war on terror, out of the party, a bunch of Pakistani camel turds gets caught plotting to kill thousands of airline passengers. Daniel Henninger has more in the Wall Street Journal:
That was unfortunate timing this week for the Lamont Democrats, declaring themselves officially the antiwar party within 24 hours of the Brits foiling an Islamic terror plot to spread thousands of U.S.-bound bodies across the North Atlantic, or perhaps across New York, Boston and Washington as the planes descended. Yes, we know; they support the war on terror but are merely against George Bush's war in Iraq. How does that work?

Last week before the Lamont victory, 12 members of the congressional Democratic leadership sent President Bush a letter urging that he start a phased pullout from Iraq, euphemized as a "redeployment," starting before the end of this year. But it is becoming increasingly fantastic to argue that in Iraq, with its apparently limitless supply of suicide bombers, hasn't much to do with the terror threats manifest elsewhere.

Put it this way: From the perspective as of yesterday of getting on a U.S. airliner, who would you rather have in the Senate formulating policy toward this threat--Ned Lamont or Joe Lieberman?

Well, the Democratic Party would rather have Ned Lamont. That commitment was sealed Wednesday when Mr. Lieberman's longtime colleagues in the Senate, in one of the least edifying spectacles in recent political history, pledged their troth to the one-issue neophyte, Ned Lamont. Sens. Kennedy, Kerry, Clinton, Biden, Reid and, most embarrassing of all, Chris Dodd of Connecticut, participated in what can only be seen as a tragic Shakespearean assassination of a former colleague.
I think the Dems just suffered a significant loss of momentum in their plan to retake Congress.

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