HolyCoast: Will Air Travel Ever Be Fun Again?
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Friday, August 11, 2006

Will Air Travel Ever Be Fun Again?

I love to fly. In my younger days I got my pilot's license and used to tool around the Southern California skies whenever I had the time and money to do so. To this day, I still enjoy sitting by the window on airliners and watching the world roll slowly by.

Last year I made seven airline trips from Southern California. I went to Corpus Christi, TX, Washington Dulles (twice), Colorado Springs, CO, Las Vegas, NV, Pittsburgh, PA, and Oklahoma City, OK. Each trip was completed with a minimal amount of trouble, though we did have some adventures with baggage on the last trip. I'm not sure I could face those travels today given the hassle that air travel has become.

About 15 years ago I was traveling quite a bit for my job, and I was thinking today about how the airport and airline experience has changed since then. For instance:

  1. Anybody could go through security and wait at the gate.
  2. Airlines served meals - often a choice of two.
  3. You could check up to 3 bags, and up to 70 pounds per bag for free.
  4. You could wear your shoes, coats, or sweaters while going through security.
  5. You could arrive at the airport about an hour before your flight.
  6. You could carry on handheld electronic devices.


  1. Only ticketed passengers can go through security.
  2. Airlines don't serve meals anymore, and now with the new restrictions, you can't even bring some of your own food or drink on board.
  3. Most airlines have reduced checked baggage to 2 bags, and reduced the weight limit to 50 pounds.
  4. We now have to undress to go through security and there's a better than even chance that some TSA rep is going to feel you up.
  5. You must arrive 2-3 hours before your flight or you're taking a risk of missing it.
  6. The days of carrying your cellphone, iPod, or laptop onto flights may be numbered.
This fall I'm heading back for a Vegas weekend and we were debating whether to fly or drive. I personally would rather fly simply because it's a nearly 5 hour drive from my house, but when I sat down and looked at the time requirements to make that trip by air today, I realized that we could drive, avoid all the troubles at the airport, and probably arrive in Vegas at about the same time. In addition, we won't have the costs associated with the plane tickets and rental car. Compared to all the hassle involved, the long drive and expensive gas is well worth it.

I hope that flying might one day be fun again. It's a shame that we have to start and end our vacations and business travel with airport ordeals that take the joy out of the experience.

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