HolyCoast: Update on San Francisco Jihadi
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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Update on San Francisco Jihadi

The madman who ran down a bunch of innocent pedestrians in San Francisco yesterday reportedly told police that he was a terrorist (according to KTVU). The cops have downplayed that, instead wishing to just consider him "unstable". Well, aren't all terrorists "unstable"? That doesn't really narrow them down now, does it.

Debbie Schlussel has been tracking all things jihadi and reminds us of some past incidents in which lone drivers/gunmen etc. have taken after the infidels:

It's not surprising that he turned out to be a Muslim, because Popal's method isn't new, in terms of Islamic terrorism in America.

In fact, it's the third such incident of Islamic Terror by Auto in the last year. You've heard of "Driving While Black," and the alleged "Flying While Arab"? Welcome to Living/Walking While Infidel (or trying to live, anyway).

In March, Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar, an Iranian Muslim--inspired by Allah and hatred for America--purposely drove his Jeep into students at the University of North Carolina.

And in December, Ali R. Warrayat, a Palestinian Jordanian Muslim, drove his car into a Home Depot in Arizona, for the purpose of mass destruction of the store and those in it. He wanted to set the place ablaze. He, too, inspired by his anger toward America and his Koran in his trunk.

And then, there are the other incidents of Dr. Wameeth Fadhli, a Muslim medical doctor in Texas, who did a drive-by, "random" shooting of a bicyclist (tip from Sue Bob's Diary). A Muslim in Baltimore, Mujtaba Rabbani Jabbar, shooting and murdering a Jewish guy at a movie theater. A Pakistani Muslim, Naveed Haq, in Seattle shooting women at the Jewish Federation, murdering one.

But these are all lone, random guys. And all of them just happen to be "mentally unstable" Muslims who deliberately target non-Muslims. Right, Neil Cavuto? The latest one ended, by "coincidence," at the Jewish Community Center of San Francisco, where he mowed over two people--7 are now critically injured, one dead. But it and the Seattle incident and the Baltimore incident (and the bombing of the Hebrew University of Baltimore before that) have nothing to do with Islamic anti-Semitism.

And let's not forget the Muslim who started shooting at the LAX El Al Airlines counter a few years ago and killed several people. How many more do we need before authorities start seeing a pattern of behavior?

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