HolyCoast: 11 Ways to Win in November
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Thursday, September 07, 2006

11 Ways to Win in November

Newt Gingrich, the architect of the 1994 Republican Revolution, has written 11 things he thinks the GOP should do to win in November. Here are the highlights, and you can read his explanations for each item here:

These 11 issues are all clear and all doable.

    1. Make English the Official Language of Government.
    2. Control the Borders.
    3. Keep God in the Pledge.
    4. Require a Voter ID Card.
    5. Repeal the Death Tax, for Good.
    6. Restore Property Rights.
    7. Achieve Sustainable Energy Independence.
    8. Control Spending and Balance the Budget.
    9. Tie Education Funding to Teacher Accountability.
    10. Defend America From the Irreconcilable Wing of Islam.
    11. Focus on Iran and North Korea.
They may be clear, but in the present political environment, and especially with some Republicans who vote like Dems, these may not be doable.

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