HolyCoast: San Diego Reporter Beaten Over Story
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Thursday, September 07, 2006

San Diego Reporter Beaten Over Story

The film of this attack on the Fox 6 reporter was really disturbing:
A television reporter in San Diego, Calif., was hospitalized after a brutally beating by a man and woman he was investigating for a news show, according to Local 6 News.

The journalist, John Mattes, was questioning a couple for allegedly stealing identities when the woman was videotaped hitting Mattes in the face.

Local 6 News showed video of the woman's husband walking up to Mattes in LaJolla, Calif., and punching him in the face. He was then seen repeatedly beating the reporter with his fists.

The man's photographer jumped into the brawl and tried to break up the fight. A police officer eventually had to stop the attack with his gun drawn.

Mattes was taken to an emergency room with a bloodied face and apparent bite wounds.

A television station identified the couple as Sam Sulieman and wife Rosa Baraza.

Both were charged with assault and battery in connection with the attack.
What's even more disturbing than the pictures of the attack itself is the fact that these two hoods bailed out before the day was over. I predict that they disappear and don't show up for court, and the lives of the reporter and other subjects involved in the story will be at risk. These folks should never had been released.

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