HolyCoast: 200,000 Idiots Sign Petition to Ban Movie They've Never Seen
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Saturday, September 09, 2006

200,000 Idiots Sign Petition to Ban Movie They've Never Seen

It doesn't take much to get the nutroots' panties in a wad, and their leadership is doing a good job of panicking them about the ABC 9/11 docudrama. In yet another effort to intimidate ABC/Disney, 200,000 have signed petitions calling on ABC to dump the $40 million broadcast of "The Path to 9/11":
NEW YORK (AP) -- ABC faced growing pressure Friday about its planned miniseries on the buildup to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Former Clinton administration officials, historians and a Democratic petition with nearly 200,000 signatures urged the network to scrap the five-hour drama.

The network said the movie, scheduled to air commercial-free on Sunday and Monday, is being edited to deal with concerns that it distorts history. ABC had no response to the calls to abandon it.

I read a post on another blog written by a die-hard lefty who was demanding that Congress, as well as average citizens, punish ABC/Disney for airing the movie. I rarely ever comment at other blogs, and especially at hard left sites, but I couldn't resist on this one. Here is what I wrote:
You people crack me up! You actually believe that half the country thinks the way you do? You need to get out more.

The fact is, the movie will run as scheduled despite the empty threats from Harry Reid, and although some of you may stop wearing your Mickey Mouse ears for awhile, the sum total effect of all of your protests will be about as significant as spit on a hot griddle.

That'll tick 'em off.

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