HolyCoast: Lamont Bashes Lieberman for Criticizing Clinton
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Saturday, September 09, 2006

Lamont Bashes Lieberman for Criticizing Clinton

One-Note Ned is really struggling to find things with which to criticize Joe Lieberman. It's such a struggle that he's had to go all the way back to Lieberman's now famous 1998 rebuke of Bill Clinton on the floor of the Senate (from Political Wire):
"You don’t go to the floor of the Senate and turn this into a media spectacle. You go up there, you sit down with one of your oldest friends and say, 'You’re embarrassing yourself, you’re embarrassing your presidency, you’re embarrassing your family, and it’s got to stop.'"

-- Ned Lamont (D), quoted by the New York Times, criticizing Sen. Joe Lieberman's (I-CT) denunciation of President Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Lieberman's having none of it and he fired right back:
Sen. Joe Lieberman defended his reprimand of former President Clinton for his involvement with a White House intern, dismissing rival Ned Lamont's claim that he turned the 1998 rebuke into a spectacle.

"It was important for someone who was a Democrat to stand up and call on him publicly to accept more responsibility for what he had done," Lieberman said Friday. "In that case, I stood up and did what I believed was right for our country."

Lieberman might as well be speaking a foreign language when he starts talking about a Democrat "doing what's right for our country". Lamont and the nutroots will never understand that.

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