HolyCoast: Another Big Box Law Fails
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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Another Big Box Law Fails

Mayor Daley in Chicago vetoed a law designed to punish big box stores in his city, and now Gov. Arnold Schwartzenegger has followed suit by vetoing a bill that would have dramatically increased Wal-Mart's health care costs:
Siding with Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and other large employers, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Wednesday vetoed legislation that would have required them to provide healthcare benefits for their employees or pay into a state health fund.

In a veto message, Schwarzenegger said the bill was the wrong approach to tackling spiraling healthcare costs.

"Singling out large employers and requiring them to spend an arbitrary amount on healthcare does nothing to lower costs or guarantee that even one more person has healthcare coverage," Schwarzenegger said.
Although the article says the governor was "siding with Wal-Mart", he was actually siding with common sense, something sadly missing in the California legislature.

George Will writes a good article on the effect of Wal-Mart on the economy, and the political blunder the Dems are making by going to war with them.

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