HolyCoast: Dems Threatening to Repeat 2004 Mistakes
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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Dems Threatening to Repeat 2004 Mistakes

The DNC under Howard the Donkey isn't getting the job done for the Dems, so once again the 527 groups are ramping up to try and buy the elections for the Dems. Some of the same players who squandered millions in 2004 and are it again:

Sensing both political danger and opportunity, a top Democratic operative and a group of major party donors have banded together to deliver a barrage of late advertising and on-the-ground action to secure Democratic victories in November.
The operative, Harold M. Ickes, a top aide to former President Bill Clinton and informal adviser to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, and a group of allies are soliciting money for a new organization called the September Fund.

They hope to raise and spend as much as $25 million to influence not only crucial Congressional races but also other campaigns and ballot initiatives at the federal and state level.

Mr. Ickes was among the chief organizers of several groups that raised more than $200 million from wealthy liberals and labor unions in 2004 to try to defeat President Bush...

Mr. Ickes has already contacted George Soros, the billionaire financier who gave Democratic committees more than $25 million in 2004. Among others on the fund’s list of potential donors are Steve Bing, a Hollywood producer; Linda Pritzker, a member of the family that owns Hyatt hotels; Herb and Marion Sandler, owners of a California savings and loan; and Ted Waitt, founder of the computer company Gateway. All gave multimillion-dollar gifts to the funds Mr. Ickes directed in 2004.

Why don't they just send Bruce Springsteen back out on the road? It worked so well in 2004.

By the way, Steve Bing is current providing major funding for a ballot proposition in California that would add a $4 billion tax on oil produced in California. They also think they can legislate, as part of the proposition, that oil companies can't pass these new higher costs on to consumers through higher prices. That's just ignorant, but typical of people who think they can just wave their magic wand and take money out of corporate profits without raising consumer prices. It doesn't happen that way in the real world.

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