HolyCoast: Appeasement Never Works
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Monday, September 04, 2006

Appeasement Never Works

When Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld gave a tough speech the other day at the American Legion convention, the left went nuts. Rummy hit a little too close to home for those in the appeasement caucus, and their screams of outrage have been heard all week throughout medialand.

Mary Laney writing in the Chicago Sun-Times reminds us of the type of people the appeasers are trying to appease:
This brings me to the history we ought reflect upon today. In a recent speech before the national convention of the American Legion, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld likened the opposition to today's war against Islamofascism to the 1930s appeasement of the Nazis. Both regimes are nihilists. Both want to rule the world.

In his speech, Rumsfeld quoted the late Sen. William Borah, who -- after learning that Hitler had invaded Poland -- said, "Lord, if only I could have talked with Hitler, all this might have been avoided." This is not dissimilar to Sen. John Kerry stating that if he were president we wouldn't be at war.

Today's appeasers believe that they can simply talk with these Islamofascists and all will be peaceful. As Winston Churchill said long ago, the appeaser seems to feel that if he feeds the alligator enough, "the alligator will eat him last."

We've seen what these Islamofascists are capable of doing. We're nearing the anniversary of 9/11 when they did what up until then had been unthinkable: flying passenger planes filled with men, women and children into buildings.

We've seen what they've done in Spain, blowing up train cars filled with civilians.

We've seen what they've done in England, blowing up buses and subways.

We've seen what they've done in Bali with their bombs.

We've seen what they planned to do with American planes taking off from England and bound for America.

Today is Labor Day, a day to honor yourselves for all the hard work you've done to make America the great nation it is today. But, have no doubt about this: There are Islamofascists who want to destroy you and all you've worked for.

They're not looking to take your jobs. They're looking to take your lives.

All the bloviating from the left will never stop those who want to kill us. They're not interested in talking to infidels - even John Kerry, or Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi - and Americans have to remember that. To forget is to die.

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