HolyCoast: Bubba Blows Up Over "The Path to 9/11"
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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Bubba Blows Up Over "The Path to 9/11"

Last week the rumors were flying that Bill Clinton had called Bob Iger, head of Disney, to demand changes in the docudrama "The Path to 9/11" which airs this weekend. It looks like the rumors were true:

A furious Bill Clinton is warning ABC that its mini-series "The Path to 9/11" grossly misrepresents his pursuit of Osama bin Laden - and he is demanding the network "pull the drama" if changes aren't made.

Clinton pointedly refuted several fictionalized scenes that he claims insinuate he was too distracted by the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal to care about bin Laden and that a top adviser pulled the plug on CIA operatives who were just moments away from bagging the terror master, according to a letter to ABC boss Bob Iger obtained by The Post.

The former president also disputed the portrayal of then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright as having tipped off Pakistani officials that a strike was coming, giving bin Laden a chance to flee.

"The content of this drama is factually and incontrovertibly inaccurate and ABC has the duty to fully correct all errors or pull the drama entirely," the four-page letter said.

Poor Bubba. His six year effort at legacy building is going to take a hit.

Bubba's not alone. Right now there's a full court Clintonista press to discredit the movie. Howard Kurtz reports on that aspect of the controversy in a piece in the Washington Post. The scenes which are giving them the most grief involve situation in which the Clinton administration was practically handed Osama bin Laden on a silver platter but refused to take him. Although the Clintonistas are demanding that these scenes are untrue, I've heard Bill Clinton himself, in a tape made at a speech sometime after his presidency, that he was offered bin Laden several times but couldn't or wouldn't take him. I believe the Media Research Center has that tape.

Speaking of the MRC, Brent Bozell has written a review of "The Path to 9/11" that you can read here.

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