HolyCoast: Clintonistas Attempting to Airbrush History
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Friday, September 01, 2006

Clintonistas Attempting to Airbrush History

I've been hearing about an important miniseries which will air on ABC Sep. 10 & 11 called "The Path to 9/11". This show takes a hard look at the Clinton years and some of the many acts and omissions of the Clintonistas which led to the rise of Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda.

Today Rush was talking about the show, and mentioned that an advance screening of the film in Washington had nearly caused some of the Clintonistas to go to blows with the show's producers. He also had heard from reliable sources (he knows one of the producers and has an advance copy of the final cut) that Bill Clinton himself was going to call Bob Eiger, the head of ABC, today and demand that the series undergo additional editing - obviously for the purpose of making the Clintonistas look better.

Andy McCarthy also comments on that at The Corner:
I’m hearing all kinds of disturbing, though predictable, stories about a Clintonista offensive against “The Path to 9/11,” an ABC documentary written and produced by Cyrus Nowrasteh ("Into the West"), and directed by David Cunningham ("To End All Wars"). I haven’t seen it yet (although I hope to this weekend), but it is already drawing rave reviews from people who have (the piece is reviewed at FrontPage, here).

Apparently, the documentary recounts the bureaucratic bungling and lack of action against al Qaeda that was pervasive prior to the September 11 atrocities. It is by no means, I understand, pro-Bush. It is, instead, an effort to present history accurately. This evidently has many former Clinton officials and apologists in their default kill-the-messenger mode. Great pressure is being brought to bear on ABC and Disney to reopen the editorial process at this late stage (the documentary is supposed to air on September 10-11) so that the years 1993-2001 may remain forever airbrushed.

Will they succeed? This bears watching.

Now that 20 million Rush listeners have heard about the attempted airbrushing, not to mention others that will hear about it as the blogs get ahold of the story, it's hard to image ABC caving in to Clinton and giving him the right to edit their work. If they do, they'll be crucified in the blogosphere, and there are enough people who have seen the original cut that whatever is removed will be reported.

UPDATE: Stephen Spruiell of National Review called ABC and they say it's "locked and ready to air."

I've seen "Into the West" which was another miniseries by produced by Cyrus Nowrasteh and it was excellent, and in fact the Mrs. and I enjoyed it so much, I've put it up at the HolyCoast.com Online Store so you can order it directly. It's an excellent series on the settling of the West and the impact on the Native Americans.

Additional updates here, here, here, here, here and here.

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