HolyCoast: CBS Wants Armitage to Apologize...to Joe Wilson
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Friday, September 08, 2006

CBS Wants Armitage to Apologize...to Joe Wilson

Leave it to the press to pick the wrong "victim". CBS scored an interview with Richard Armitage, the "leaker" in the Valerie Plame case. See if you notice what I did:
(CBS) In an exclusive interview with CBS News national security correspondent David Martin, Richard Armitage, once the No. 2 diplomat at the State Department, couldn't be any blunter.

"Oh I feel terrible. Every day, I think I let down the president. I let down the Secretary of State. I let down my department, my family and I also let down Mr. and Mrs. Wilson," he says.

When asked if he feels he owes the Wilsons an apology, he says, "I think I've just done it."
Of all the people that deserve an apology from Armitage, the Wilsons are the very last on the list. Did it not occur to the CBS reporter that Karl Rove, the Bush Adminstration, Scooter Libby, various jailed reporters, and others suffered actual damages because of Armitage's failure to come forward long ago deserve the first apology, as opposed to the faux grievances expressed by Joe Wilson and his CIA agent wife?

The media is still dancing to Wilson's tune by trying to keep them in victimhood status. Memo to the media: It's time to send the Wilsons to Camp Go-Away.

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