HolyCoast: Have the Dems Employed Hackers in CA?
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Have the Dems Employed Hackers in CA?

There was a bit of a kerfuffle in the last few days regarding comments Gov. Arnold made about a latina legislator during a private meeting. The innocuous comments were recorded on a private server for the benefit of the governor's speech writers, but somehow those comments became public. The cops are investigating:
A state investigation team is examining whether hackers were involved in releasing a digital recording of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger talking about a Hispanic legislator's fiery temper, a spokesman said.

The California Highway Patrol's high-tech crimes investigators are also looking into whether the recording, which was stored as an MP3 file on the governor's officer server, was obtained in some other way, according to patrol spokesman Tom Marshall.

"We'll look at the security overall, the whole security of the governor's office computer system," Marshall said.

The Dem opponent's campaign staff has now admitting downloading the audio file, but claim they got it from Arnold's campaign website:
Democrat Phil Angelides' gubernatorial campaign acknowledged Monday that it downloaded the digital audio file containing Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's controversial private remarks on ethnicity, but said it did nothing inappropriate and accessed the recording through the governor's "publicly available" Web site, it was reported Tuesday.

But Schwarzenegger's legal affairs secretary, Andrea Lynn Hoch, said earlier that the access was "unauthorized" and that an internal audit discovered the six-minute audio file was hacked from the private computer system of the Governor's Office on Aug. 29 and 30.

Angelides campaign manager Cathy Calfo confirmed to the SACRAMENTO BEE that her staff used one computer to access the audio clip on those days. But she said her staff did not hack into the Governor's Office server and that the file was widely available on Schwarzenegger's Web site.

There are only a couple of possibilities here. Either the governor's private server was hacked and the file released to Angelides, or someone in the governor's web shop loaded a file to their campaign site by accident. Which do you think happened?

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