HolyCoast: Terrorists - You Have a Home In France
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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Terrorists - You Have a Home In France

For all you terrorists out there who have been looking for a home to base your operations and are tired of getting your butts shot off in Iraq, I have a solution for you: Have you considered France?

Yes, the home of EuroDisney and white flags wants you and has formerly declared, through their blow-dried and pompous Prime Minister, that they don't believe in the war on terror. That's really good news for Islamofascists everywhere!
France issued an implicit criticism of U.S. foreign policy on Thursday, rejecting talk of a "war on terror".

Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, speaking in parliament, expressed these views on global terrorism, while President Jacques Chirac backed France's claims to the international front rank with a fresh defense of his country's nuclear arsenal.
Villepin noted Chirac's strong opposition to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 and said the Arab state had now sunk into violence and was feeding new regional crises.

"Let us not forget that these crises play into the hands of all extremists," the prime minister said in a debate on the Middle East. "We can see this with terrorism, whether it tries to strike inside or outside our frontiers," he added.

"Against terrorism, what's needed is not a war. It is, as France has done for many years, a determined fight based on vigilance at all times and effective cooperation with our partners.

"But we will only end this curse if we also fight against injustice, violence and these crises," he said.

And in even better news, if you move to Paris you'll fit right in! The city is already full of unemployed young Muslims ready for action in the next jihad.

France - it's not just for tourists anymore.

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