HolyCoast: Will There Be Another "Toricelli Option" in New Jersey?
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Monday, September 11, 2006

Will There Be Another "Toricelli Option" in New Jersey?

In 2002 Dem Senator Bob Toricelli was enmeshed in scandal and facing a sure loss in his Senate reelection battle. The Dems, facing a big defeat, pulled what is now known as the "Toricelli option" to fix their problem. They pulled Toricelli from the ballot and put former Senator Frank Lautenberg in his place, snubbed their noses at the law in New Jersey which said you couldn't do that so close to the election, and had the all-Dem state Supreme Court back them up. Lautenberg went on to win and hold the seat for the Dems.

Could there be another "Toricelli" option in the works now that Senator Bob Menendez finds himself up for reelection in the middle of a scandal? Check this out from PoliticalWire:
Rep. Robert Andrews (D-NJ), who was riding an Amtrak train late last week to New Jersey, was overheard talking on his cell phone "about a scandal breaking that very evening implicating" Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), according to Roll Call.

The source on the train said Andrews discussed "the prospect of Democrats having to replace Menendez on the ballot with another Senate nominee." (Political Wire readers will remember Andrews wanted the appointment to replace Jon Corzine but Menendez got the nod instead.) The informant heard Andrews say, "A 60-day campaign is doable; a 30-day campaign is death."

However, a second source on the train "confirmed that quote but said it had nothing to do with a possible replacement on the ballot. He said it had to do with the timing of the Menendez scandal and whether it would be easier to deal with 30 or 60 days from Election Day."

Both sources confirmed Andrews said, "He's no Forrester," implying that Tom Kean, Jr. (R) is a much more formidable candidate than former GOP Senate nominee Doug Forrester (R).
Nothing would surprise me in New Jersey.

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