HolyCoast: Dem Candidate Endorses Lieberman
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Dem Candidate Endorses Lieberman

In what may prove to be a move that could alienate him within his own party, Rep. Harold Ford (D-TN) who is running for Senate, has endorsed the independent candidacy of Joe Lieberman:
U.S. Congressman and Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Harold Ford, Jr., D-Tenn., formally announced that he is supporting Democratic Senator Joe Lieberman’s re-election to the U.S. Senate.

Lieberman was defeated by billionaire Ned Lamont in the Democratic Primary this past August in Connecticut, but has continued his run for re-election as an independent candidate.

Only a handful of Democratic leaders are backing Lieberman and many of the party's most notable stalwarts, such as Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and Ted Kennedy are backing Lamont.

"I support Joe Lieberman . . . and I’ve made that clear from the very beginning,” Ford told Nashville talk radio host, Steve Gill.

After abandoning his party's candidate in Connecticut, I wonder if Ford's campaign will get any of that new borrowed money from Howard Dean? Should Ford win, how will his Dem colleagues feel about this?

Chances are, it doesn't matter as long as a Dem wins and Lieberman continues to caucus with the Dems. All will be forgiven.

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